The Glory of a Garden

One of our guests has recently been on one of our holidays and created the below poem for the group. Len recited it on the last evening and received many ‘hear hears’ in support of his words. Len is 101 and the fact he is still travelling with Brightwater Holidays makes us feel extremely privileged!

Woods and forests have, of course, played their parts,
But it’s in gardens that our love of nature first starts.
They say that gardens are God’s gift to man,
That they strengthen and lengthen our lives’ total span.

And I’m sure the Almighty, right up in the sky,
Knew that they’d succour our souls till we die.
The gardens we’ve seen filled our hearts with great joy
And I could still remember such gardens when I was a boy.

I can see you merry voyagers are enjoying the pleasures
Of the skilled hard-working gardeners’ treasures.
The sparkling colours, the variety of green
Make our spirits soar upwards from what we have seen.

But let’s not forget that our current enjoyment
Has meant Ann’s dedicated and continued employment.
It was Brightwater’s planning that her success underpinned
Creating for all a favourable wind.

Their experience and know-how were just what was needed
And that’s why their advice Ann so clearly heeded.
And the guide they provided, David, the wise,
With his vast knowledge reaching up to the skies.

Then there’s Dunstan Hall’s excellent service and food.
Our tummies delighted, it was always so good

And, lastly, our very dependable driver.
He is the very essence of what I’d call a survivor.
So, will you all join me on this very last day
And rouse up your voices in a loud “Hip,hip, hooray!”

Len Goldman 09/05/18
