Panoramic view at sunset above Baobab trees
Panoramic view at sunset above Baobab trees


The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Brightwater Holidays, and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for the following:

  1. non-flight packages and
  2. flight inclusive packages that commence outside of the EU, which are sold to customers outside of the EU.

ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation if you are abroad. Please note that bookings made outside the EU are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Brightwater Holidays.

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, please call our 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT protected travel company.

You can access the The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 here:
