Country Overview

Colombia is situated on the Caribbean Coast and the Pacific Ocean, separated by Panama. Its capital Bogota is located in the Andes in the north. It borders 5 countries including Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Panama.

The Spanish colonised Colombian the early 1500’s and was named New Grenada which it remained until 1861 when it became Colombia.

Colombia is renowned for its coffee and fruit production and its economy is the second fastest growing in the world behind China. It has huge supplies of coal and petroleum although it is a leader in using renewable energy with 70% of its power from hydroelectric sources.

Colombia has a diverse range of flora including a range of Amazonia flowers and a large collection of Orchids. Our tours include trips to National Parks to embrace the bewildering biodiversity on offer.

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Country Information - Colombia

  • Visa - American citizens are allowed to enter Colombia for up to 90 days as a visitor without a visa at the discretion of the Colombian Immigration Officer. Evidence of return or onward travel may be required.
  • Currency - The Currency of Colombia is the Colombian Peso
  • How to Dress – You’ll need to pack for all eventualities in Colombia. Bogota can get very cold as it is at high altitude but the coastal regions can be very warm. Make sure to also pack insect repellent.
  • Language – The vast majority of people in Colombia speak Spanish.
  • Tipping – Tipping in Colombia is voluntary. Most restaurants include a service charge of approximately 10% which most people pay.
