Steam train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct
Steam train on the Glenfinnan Viaduct

There’s nothing quite like gliding through stunning countryside from the comfort and prestige of a steam train – and, with this in mind, it will come as no surprise that this mode of transport is closely associated with the golden age of travel. What’s even better is the fact that we can still enjoy a steam journey today. In our modern era of immediacy and convenience, where we tend to get to our destinations as quickly as possible and need everything yesterday, the concept of steam travel doesn’t quite fit in. However, this is all part of its appeal. Slowing down is one of life’s joys and we embrace this notion with our steam breaks. Making the journey the focus of the holiday, we create space for some much needed time – time to relax, to marvel, to think and to simply just enjoy a memorable experience. If the sound of this is making you want to pack your bags and hop aboard, we have a selection of vacations on offer that we think you’ll love.

What to expect
