Neist Point Lighthouse
Neist Point Lighthouse

Travel Insurance

The insurance is available for our UK customers only

We offer single-trip travel insurance, arranged by Global Travel Insurance Services Limited, on all of our tours.


Please see the full policy document or Insurance Product Information Document for the details, and each individual tour page for insurance supplements.

COVID 19 Coronavirus

Insurers have made the decision that as of midnight Monday 16th March 2020 new policy sales will not cover claims caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus peril. 

This does not affect policies that were sold and issued prior to this date.

June 2020 update:

Please note that any claims relating to epidemic, pandemic or the coronavirus unless for medical and related expenses, excluding curtailment, will not be covered for (a) any new policies purchased and (b) existing policies amended on or after 26th May 2020.
